The VENCLOSE ™ Procedure is the latest generation of radiofrequency closure.

The VENCLOSE procedure is similar to the closureFAST™ procedure both of which use direct and milder heating of the vein wall using a specialised catheter that seals the abnormal vein. All of these treatments can be performed on an outpatient basis using local anaesthesia in which the doctor numbs the leg before treatment.

The VENCLOSE ™ Procedure: What to Expect

The VENCLOSE ™ catheter is inserted into the vein through a tiny incision below the knee. Guided by ultrasound imaging, the surgeon treats a 2.5-10 cm segment of vein with a 20-second burst of radiofrequency energy, causing the vessel to shrink around the catheter. The surgeon withdraws the catheter, treating each segment until the entire length of the vein has been sealed. An average 45 cm length vein can be treated in this manner in just a few minutes.

Unlike painful vein stripping surgery or laser ablation, the catheter delivers uniform, consistent heat to each segment and temperatures do not exceed 120°C. As a result, the VENCLOSE™ procedure causes less bruising and allows for rapid patient relief and recovery. We offer the VENCLOSE™ procedure in an outpatient setting and it is covered by health insurance in the United Kingdom.

The VENCLOSE™ Advantage:

Minimally Invasive

The VENCLOSE™ procedure eliminates the need for groin surgery and general anaesthesia. The procedure also results in little to no scarring similar to its predecessor the closureFAST™ procedure. It has some very advanced technical features over the closureFAST™ device, being able to treat a full length of vein much faster and also due to it's choice of heating tip size, the ability to treat a greater cross section of abnormal venous anatomy.

Less Pain, Less Bruising, Faster Recovery

Is the procedure painful?

Most patients report feeling little to no pain during the radiofrequency ablation procedure. Your surgeon will give you a local or regional anaesthetic to numb the treatment area.

How soon after treatment will my symptoms improve?

Most patients can notice a difference within the first 24 hours. Symptoms may continue to improve 1-2 weeks after the procedure.1

When can I return to normal activities?

Typically, patients can resume normal activities within a few days of the procedure.2 For a few weeks after the procedure, your doctor may recommend a regular walking schedule and discourage strenuous activities like heavy lifting or prolonged periods of time sitting or standing.

Is the VENCLOSE™ procedure covered by insurance?

Most insurance plans provide partial or full coverage for most vein conditions. We can help in the pre authorisation process with your insurance provider prior to any treatment.